Monthly Archives: February 2013

The Window Plate

This project has many components!

Plywood and EL wire, however, are very familiar. The window plate, however, is exciting and new. We’re using a Raspberry Pi, which is a $35 linux card with HDMI out. Perfect. Also, a $200 Vizio LED monitor, chosen primarily for its low power consumption (25w).


It took a few tries to bring up Pi. After several fails attempts at building a disk image with unix dd and not getting any boot-sign, I found the “Berryboot” loader. You just copy some files onto a plain old FAT32-formatted SD card. It booted right up, and then, via ethernet via “Internet Sharing” via this mac on wi-fi, downloaded a new OS, overwrote the card, and booted right up. Easy, easy.

20130205-205435.jpg “Wheezy” Debian.

Comes with a command-line media player “OmxPlayer”.